Tag: commons transition

  • Be. Poietic. Punks.

    Yoke Magazine and SW/TCHFest recently published a little piece I wrote. BE.POIETIC.PUNKS: WHAT IF YOUR REBEL HEART RAN FREE? We are at a point of transition. Of many transitions. Global politics, business, and technologies are shifting shape. And we are shifting with them. The question is: do structures form us, or do we form structures?…

  • On Commons Transition and Mutual Value

    For the MOOC that I lecture in (Sherlock and the Internet of Things) I created two short vids. The focus is on a few interrelated topics I have been researching for a while. Here’s the second vid and a short intro below. In our Sherlock MOOC, we create shared assets and raise questions about shared authorship and…

  • On Poiesis and Collaborative Spaces

    For the MOOC that I lecture in (Sherlock and the Internet of Things) I created two short vids. The focus is on a few interrelated topics I have been researching for a while. Here’s the first vid. In this part of our Sherlock lecture, I provide a meta reflection on the way we collaborate. One…