Category: phd

  • PhD Creativity Unbound

    TITLE Creativity Unbound – An Analysis of Open Collaboration between Experience Design and Poietic Practice ABSTRACT This thesis concerns social engagement at the intersection of open design and media technology. The study reflects on the practice of a group of creative entrepreneurs, who seek new methods and contexts for collaboration both online and offline. My case…

  • The Unorthodox PhD

    This is the raw version of my thesis, which I changed quite a bit after I got the feedback that it’s a bit too creative and wild. Both versions are fully written. This one is more eclectic and transdisciplinary, the other is more orthodox and less complex (see other version here). TITLE Creativity Unbound: Parables of…

  • Rationale

    Everyone who undertakes the massive endeavour to write a thesis in the social sciences will relate to how hard this is: formulating what exactly are the most important findings you made. Just wrote them down for my introduction and, this is it: The rationale of this thesis is to show a)     how online and offline…

  • space-time, singularity, gravitational physics, and multiverses

    I had this half-asleep epiphany during a long-haul flight and love this analogy: I might get my physics all wrong, but physicists speak of space-time as being a layer or a grid. Stephen Hawking calls it the fabric of space. He says that what we experience as gravity is caused by the dip in this…

  • literary review on co-creative media practice (version: May 2011)

    So this is my slightly outdated litrev from May 2011. I wrote it for my first annual PhD review at UNSW (Sydney). title Co-creative Practice in Participatory Narratives: Examining How Practice Enables And Limits Collective Storytelling overview Introduction i: Practice/Performance – Social Practice – Media Practice ii: Participatory Storytelling – Objects Have Agency – Authorship…